
Yacht party Miami: How to plan your first adventure

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Having a yacht party in Miami might seem a little over the top when you believe it is just for movie stars or rich people. Truth is, celebrating on a yacht is more accessible than you would imagine.

We wrote this post to teach you three tips on how to throw a hell of a yacht party and enjoy your first adventure on the ocean better than the Kardashians.

Why celebrate with a yacht party anyway?

If you think about celebrating a special occasion, we bet being on a yacht is not your first idea. We know it is not the usual. That’s the point.

Why plan a party when we are in a year that has proved to be anything but usual?

Ocean itself shows us to be limitless. So break the typical party style and throw yourself or your friend/family member/significant other a yacht party in Miami instead.

We can assure you it would be memorable, like every party you are in must be. That’s why we wrote this post, to help you organize your first one on board.

So, what do you need to plan a party on a yacht? 

Let’s begin with the basics every kind of party needs. Above everything else, location and guests are on the top of any list since you can’t have a party without your special ones.

That’s why you need a location to fit them all. The number of people that will be in your party determines the size of the yacht you’re gonna need.

For intimate parties you can count on our small yachts, but if you are looking for a more crowded celebration, our middle and large yachts will fit for all.

With that ready, let’s meet three more tips to plan your first yacht party: 

1. Set up a fun party theme for the occasion

The first idea that comes to most people is that throwing a party on a yacht is already a theme by itself.

Amusing as it can be, take advantage of the sea and choose a theme perfect for the experience. 

We leave you next some ideas for your first yacht party in Miami:

Ahoy, mateys! What a perfect time to sail the waves with your crew than at a Pirate Party. Choose who’s gonna be the captain and create ideas for dressing up and decorating.

If you are more into tropical parties we suggest a Hawaiian Party with hula dancing challenges to be part of the entertainment, flower collars and piñas coladas for everyone.

Or if you are more interested in more elegant celebrations, what do you think about having a white party? White for the outfits, the decorations and even the drinks and gathering can be white. 

When you choose a theme for your party you mark off the dress code and make it easier to create a shopping list, considering food and decorations. Even the music. What leads us to the second tip for your party being a total success. 

2. Make a party playlist

Partying and music come hand in hand, and a yacht party in Miami is no exception. We agreed that the sea makes beautiful sounds but we are talking about a party, so music it’s the key to have the best entertainment for your guests and yourself.

Remember, the goal here is to make sure everyone is having a good time while enjoying the ocean view.

So, basically, you have two options:

Option number 1: You hire a DJ in charge of setting the atmosphere and let him or her choose what songs to play the entire time you are on board. 

Pros of bringing your DJ is that you don’t have to worry about what’s gonna sound next so all the guests, including yourself, have one less thing to worry about. The best thing is we provide you the DJ as part of the extra services you can add to your booking, so hiring would be even more simple.

Cons of bringing someone extra to the party is that the DJ counts as a passenger and must be taken into consideration on the size of the yacht.

So, let’s evaluate option number 2: You bring your own music instead. Technology now allows you to bring your own music without much weight.

Every yacht has high quality sound systems you can connect your devices with via Bluetooth. We know Bluetooth being activated lowers battery’s faster than when off, so we highly recommend you remember to bring the charger. Our yachts have electricity on board, so you can use the plugs inside to sustain the device where you are playing the music from (or any other device you need to recharge).

The only cons of this option is that someone needs to be alert to the music and what should play next.

Here’s an idea to help you with that: create a Yacht Party Playlist. Before your adventure over sea, create a playlist with enough songs that last for the entire time on board and play it on shuffle.

You can even ask your guests (if your party occasion allows it) to provide several songs to add into the playlist. That way the job doesn’t rely on only one person and the music will include a large variety of genres to cover the different preferences of them.

Dancing always opens the appetite and being on a yacht means you can’t suddenly order a delivery, so here comes tip number tree:

3. Make sure you plan a delicious menu!

With Sandbar you are free to choose whatever kind of meals and beverages you wanna bring to your yacht party in Miami. You can either cook the dishes and prepare the snacks  for everyone who’s gonna be there, but if is a party with numerous guests, the job turns a little overwhelming if doing it yourself

In that scenario it makes total sense to hire the catering. And since our main goal is to ease your yacht party organization so you can have an  amazing experience, including the booking process, you can even choose with us the food and drinks you want to have in your yacht!

We have a catering menu you can select from the food you want to bring. A whole lunch or dinner, or snacks to go through the trip. Also the beverages, with or without alcohol. You decide what you want to order and we make sure everything is on board when you get there to start your yacht party.

Depending on the yacht you are going to rent, you would have a kitchen or even a dining room to prepare, serve and eat your food order. You can even have someone from our Professional Team to assist you on the logistics inside.

We highly recommend that you check all our extra services while planning your yacht party in Miami, so when you are in the process of booking you know exactly what you are going to include in your plan.

You can download our full menu by clicking here and see all the activities and extra services available by clicking here.

Do you want more tips and ideas?

We are at your disposal if you want more information or need someone to assist you on selecting the best yacht and extras for your party according to your plans.

You can book the yacht you want completely online, but if you need us to decide which one, just contact us via WhatsApp We are more than happy to help you have the best yacht party your guests and yourself are gonna experience.